Yum The Only Thing I Want for Christmas Is Wine — 2018 Gift Guide


The Only Thing I Want for Christmas Is Wine — 2018 Gift Guide

I love buying gifts for other people. I spend months thinking about heartfelt presents to give to my friends and family during the holidays. But, when it comes to receiving gifts, I can be a little picky. I don't like to ask for clothes or shoes in case I end up wanting to return them; I don't like getting gift cards because it feels lazy; and, because I'm on a newfound mission to avoid clutter, I'd rather not unwrap unnecessary bits and bobs on Christmas morning.

That's why this year, I'm only asking for one thing: wine! See, wine bottles don't take up a ton of space (and some even just go in the fridge) and you can enjoy the contents and then get rid of them. Plus, wine is something I'd usually buy, so this saves me from having to spend my own money.

These are the bottles that are on my wish list.


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