At an early age, we were all brainwashed to believe that broccoli is Public Enemy Number 1, and thus became a culture facing a broccoli identity crisis at large.
Think about it: When asked in school to name a food that they dislike, kids often resort to broccoli because they think that's what they're supposed to say. (I know I did, even though I secretly loved it.) The cartoons that we watched on Saturday mornings all had a scene in which our favorite characters idly pushed a floret of broccoli around the plate, with a giant scowl on their face. And let's face it — the way that most of us ate broccoli as kids didn't do it much justice. (Stinky and steamed, am I right?)
But hear us out: Broccoli only has a bad reputation because we were raised to think it does. WE WILL STAND FOR IT NO MORE. This year, we're placing big bets on broccoli. Why? Let me count the ways.