Yum A Simple Menu for a First-Generation Lunar New Year's Dinner — Menus from The Kitchn


A Simple Menu for a First-Generation Lunar New Year's Dinner — Menus from The Kitchn

If you've ever had an elaborate banquet at a Chinese restaurant, you know just how much work goes into the meal. Attempting something like that at home just doesn't seem feasible unless you have a week to plan, shop, and cook like my grandmother did. So hosting and cooking my first Chinese Lunar New Year dinner seemed a bit intimidating at first. Could I pull off all these courses, especially if a lot of them required last-minute cooking?

With some careful planning and a few shortcuts, my mom and I were able to successfully cook a simple-yet-delicious dinner to celebrate the Lunar New Year. Here's the menu and some tips on how to pull it all together if you also want to celebrate the Year of the Pig!


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