Yum I've Tested Nearly Every Food Storage Container on the Market. These Are the Best Ones. — The Kitchn Best List


I've Tested Nearly Every Food Storage Container on the Market. These Are the Best Ones. — The Kitchn Best List

Storage containers! We can't live without them, yet they're the bane of our existence. I'm pretty sure every single one of us has a messy, crowded cabinet crammed with containers of all kinds and sizes that come tumbling out every time we open the door. And let's not even talk about how much time we waste trying to find a matching lid!

My advice, and I'm pretty sure it would be Marie Kondo's too, is to ditch any that are stained, pitted, don't have a lid, or don't bring you joy. Your best bet for keeping things organized is to invest in a set that will nest. But what makes a really good set is that the containers will keep air out and food in — so your leftover lasagna won't dry out, your potato chips will stay crispy, and salad dressing won't leak into your tote bag.

Weed out your old stuff and then stock up on some of these. Whether you want glass, plastic, or something you can give away, I've found the very best options.


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